Polar bear visits Newfoundland community of Goose Cove

Goose Cove on the Great Northern Peninsula, western Newfoundland, had a polar bear visitor onshore yesterday. That’s typical for this region at the this time of year. The bear wasn’t seen, reported the Northern Pen (8 April 2016), but resident Jim Rice, who spotted the bear tracks in the snow, had this to say:

“I put my boot into one of the tracks, and I wear a size 12 boot, and it was the whole way around my boot,” said Rice. “So I didn’t stick around too long after that because I didn’t know if it was still in the area.”

Polar bear foot_USFWS_PolarBearNews2013

Goose Cove is featured in my polar bear attack thriller, EATEN in which polar bears come ashore much earlier than usual because their food source has failed – and terrorized the northern coast. A scarier story than well-fed bears ashore in April, after feeding for a month or so on harp seal pups.

Map below, from my novel, as well as sea ice conditions at the time.

Goose Cove is on the northwest coast of Newfoundland, just south of St. Anthony:



Sea ice conditions at the time (Canadian Ice Service):

Sea ice extent Canada 2016 April 7 CIS



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