UPHEAVAL review: ‘First class geological fiction’

A review of my latest short novel from the UK really made me proud: if only Amazon offered a ‘geological fiction’ category, that is what I would have chosen. Tsunami meets sea ice meets polar bear…

First Class Geological Fiction.

A clever, imaginative, well crafted and well written story focused on a natural phenomenon which has become all too familiar to us – especially those in the Far East – in the last 16 years. But the story contains a twist, which is perfectly possible, indeed likely to occur in the long term, which few have possibly thought of before. The book also reflects and bears witness to the author’s detailed and extensive knowledge and experience of Arctic conditions and wildlife.

The story is a sort of geological fiction, and the action takes place on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia – a place, by chance, already known for its spectacular geological curiosities. The book is quite short, and once into it, I found it hard to put down.

h/t B.G

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